Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee


The Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee (BBMHC) works with our community partners to promote education, awareness and access to behavioral health and support services that can enhance mental health, wellness and quality of life.
GYGO 2023 Mental Health & Trauma Informed Care Awareness Month Events:

The Get Your Green On campaign began in May 2016 when Healthier Delray Beach and students at Atlantic Community High School wanted to encourage the community to give attention to their mental health and wellness. The collaborative encouraged individuals to wear green and post pictures on social media as a way to show their support and commitment to their mental health and wellness.
In 2017, Birth to 22: United for Brighter Futures (an alliance of Palm Beach County community providers and champions) partnered with Healthier Delray Beach to take the campaign countywide. Now in its sixth year, The Get Your Green On campaign, is celebrated in neighborhoods, schools, businesses, government agencies, media outlets, and cities across Palm Beach County with proclamations, mental health events and activities, and thousands of individuals wearing green and posting pictures on social media.
GYGO Events:
May 15 12:00 - 1:30 PM on Zoom
NAMI "In Our Own Voice"
90 minute presentation
This 90 minute presentation provides a personal perspective of mental health conditions as leaders with lived experience talk openly about what it's like to have a mental health condition.
You will have:
- An opportunity to hear open and honest perspectives on a highly misunderstood topic
- A chance to ask leaders questions, allowing for a deeper understanding of mental health conditions and dispelling of stereotypes and misconceptions,
- The understanding that people with mental health conditions have lives enriched by hope, dreams, and goals
- Information on how to learn more about mental health and get involved with the mental health community
May 22 1:00-2:15 P.M.
"Stop Mental Health Stigma?
Challenge Accepted”
City Library 100 E. Ocean Ave.
Take the Challenge!
Stigma stops a lot of people from seeking the help they need. In this interactive presentation, learn how you can promote awareness about mental illness and take action to help reduce the stigma.
Presenter: Gerda Klein, MEd, Founder, Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee
Sponsored by the Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee
May 31 11:00 A.M.
Mental Health Book Discussion Group
City Library 100 E. Ocean Ave.
“Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?” by Dr. Julie Smith
An empathetic and practical guide to improving and maintaining mental well-being. It offers bite-sized, actionable advice and coping strategies for anxiety, depression, unexpected setbacks, a lack of self- confidence, and more.
Discussion Leader: Margaret Newton, MEd.
Sponsored by the Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee